09 June 2009




没有. 因为当你们加入时,我们都已经把一切该做的都做好了.

SSU是从零开始. 当初的会员服是我们一手做出来的. 我们自己去买了一些 pink tshirts 然后自己从电脑印出我们的 logo, 再把它烫在衣服上. 我们就是这样一件一件自己一手包办.

当初,我们打了无数通电话给唱片公司,要求他们认定我们是 official FC. 可是我们被他们拒绝了几次你们又知道吗? priority queue 也不是第一天就有的. 我们三更半夜在 orchard road 排队的痛苦,你们知道多少?

我们从一开始只有10个人接机,变成100个人,都是我们用多少眼泪心血换来的. 可是现在,为什么连基本的人与人之间的尊重都没有. 我们没有要求任何谢谢,我们也没有要你们把我们当成什么大姐看待. 但是,不要把我们当傻瓜.

现在我知道有很多人是很不爽我们为什么要做 in charge. 可是我们是开始从零做起. 那请问一下,不是我们,那是谁?你们吗? 说一句难听一点 - 凭什么? 应征工作也得看有没有工作经验嘛...

我们到现在为止,还在为SSU的一切熬夜. 你们呢?

don't take for granted that everything we have now is given by the record company. it is something we earned from the very beginning. earned with our very own sweat and tears. we fought so hard to be where we are today. and we are still fighting till this day. everything we get from the record company is shared with everyone else in SSU. we have never claimed anything for ourselves. sometimes we even need to get stuff at our own expenses. where do you think all the boards and banners come from? all the gifts we buy for him are on behalf of SSU, so where do you think the money comes from?

so before you all start pointing fingers and talking behind our backs, think and reflect, where would you all be if without for everything all of us put in initially.

the very beginnings of SSU (2004)

sidetrack: 从poly到现在出来社会工作. 从单身到结婚. 我的天!追你都有那么久了哦 :)

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