15 June 2009

a bit of good news brushed away my monday blues this morning. finally things are looking up for us. hard work does pay off eventually. *fingers crossed*

went to meet a familiar stranger yesterday. after so long you still remember me. it was nice. though an awfully long wait just to catch up with you for that little bit. you're still as sweet as ever.

want to thank hubs for making the trip down with me yesterday. and waiting with me. very few boyfriends/hubbies are willing to do that for their girls. im so glad i have you with me.

of course, thank you mabel too~ hahaha! you know how long these waits can get so... haha! at least we managed to fulfil our mission, and our boon tong kee, rochor beancurd and egg tarts!!!

made a trip down to sexy diamond at heerens to give ben some support! hubs bought himself a very nice tee. im so tempted to get one in the pink version for myself. but, shall wait it out. maybe got nicer designs coming up. hehe!

another week to go again, the same routine, the same people. july pass faster! come august, imma be in europe!!!!! :D

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