02 October 2009

i realised you totally dont understand why am i so pissed.
so let me get this through to you.

- this whole issue was between her and us. unless you really heard both sides of the story, you really shouldnt have said so many things about us. you said you were neutral. didnt seem like it when you left that comment.

- you had a blog entry commenting that why did we have to drag you and jasmine into this. let me get this straight, we have never once dragged you nor jasmine into this. the two of you were just 局外人 to us. but why did you have to keep writing blog entries after blog entries, twitter after twitter, just to slam us? dont you think that was kinda uncalled for? 不知道事情的真相,就不要乱说话...

- i know the other blog entry concerning some 'rich girl' wasnt directed to me. but obviously i know who you were referring to. it really isnt that difficult to guess. but again, she did not mention a single word about you. why did you have to go slam her too? you mentioned that you wanna slap her over some of the stuff she said. now lets look at this in another way. when i mentioned that you also said things that made me wanna slap you, how did you feel??? yup, you called me a "FUCKER". now, obviously im not that childish to really go right up to your face and give you a slap over some blog entry. 我只是在用以牙还牙的方式让你明白,你根本就不应该这么说. 你会不爽,别人也一样.

- you say you dont understand why do we keep assuming this, assuming that. then why are you doing the same??? you have assumed a whole lot of stuff that you weren't clear about at all. totally being contradicting.

anyway this is to let you understand where i am coming from. i dont flare up at people for nothing. 根本没那个力气去找架吵. 只是觉得,以你的立场,你根本不应该这样骂人,因为你根本不知道事情的来龙去脉. 我们都没惹你,为什么要先来惹我们呢?

lastly, what goes around, comes around. think about it.

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