26 April 2012

Its been a while since a film made me cry. In fact, I cry more in the cinema theatres. When you watch a film on a computer in your living room, the tearjerker effect gets toned down so much more with all the different distractions going on around you. You're not so enveloped in all the different aspects. That's why, I love going to the cinema. That's why, even with all the piracy surrounding me, I think the movie-makers deserve me dishing out $10 and 2 hours of my non-interrupted attention.

And then, there are the shows you swear you must catch, and then never did. Too busy, too many other blockbusters... whatever the reason. But sometimes, its shows like these, that make me sit down, and think about the way I lived my life thus far. Twenty years later, will I regret?

I missed the screenings for this particular movie. For what reasons I cannot remember. And then today, I decided to dedicate my time to finishing this movie. I hardly knew the storyline. Just, as the poster depicts - "Twenty years, Two People..." I just finished the movie. On my computer in my living room with glaring gaming noises on the other desktop on my left. But I finished it nonetheless. So drawn into the film, I completely forgot that there was this abomination of a game happening just mere centimetres away from me. I dont know what it is, but even after I finished the film, I cant put my mind at ease. I guess this is the magic of a well done film. I swear if I watched this in the cinema theatre, Id be bawling my eyes out by the end. No doubt about it. Not gonna write details here, cos if anyone is reading this right now, I dont want to spoil it for you. Go watch it if you havent. Its worth your time.

Now, I need to go buy me the book.

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